Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hello Old Friend...

March 31st, 2009
I have awoken today, alive and of sound mind body and spirit. I have not been this angry, paranoid, and contemplative as I have been today. I rose to find you still intact, albeit damaged from the water used to put out the fires. My home has been disrespected, my closest allies endangered, and my mortal line nearly extinguished. I ask myself, what is it about our nature, the beasts nature, that compels us to turn on each other like savages. Maria Theresa has stayed by my side, writing to the outside world of what has occurred while I slumber. I am reminded at times like these of how talented, and how fragile a treasure she truly is. Sir Finch is out making arrangements for the investigation.

(later that evening, in a different shade of ink)
I am glad to see Mackenzie has arrived. She is breathtaking even in her casual attire. She has been so quiet, crouching and touching everything. Alita and Sir Pennington have arrived as well. I have not seen him as angry- pacing silently in our empty, scarred sparring chamber. Alita on the other hand... Prince Maladante, Viscount Smith, and Mister Montoya called earlier with news that they had been well received at the police station. Sir Finch reports that the other Mekhet are vigilant. I will return soon friend, Mackenzie has the trail.

We followed the trail to a man's house. It was the house of an average man- with obvious signs of a domestic life. He was easily persuaded to give us the weapons and returned with us to the rendezvous location. I could tell he was wary and weighed down by guilt. There was a look of regret as he looked behind him at the lie he had presented to his loved ones.
Alder Andreas arrived. Sir Finch tells me he is safe and on patrol. I am amazed to see such loyalty from such recent an addition to my fealty.
Mister Montoya reports that with a loosening of the tongue, the culprit appears to be Lord Devonshire. Viscount Smith informed us that the police officer is en route with him. There are however, inconsistent details that lead us to believe Devonshire is being framed. It doesn't seem to make sense.

April 1st, 2009
Everyone is up and fairly eager to continue the investigation. Prince Rathstein arrived, and joined Prince Maladante, Viscount Smith, and Master Montoya on round two at the station. I have asked Knight Commander De Castile to serve as his protector. I am always impressed with his eagerness and quality of service. His Leige has a very valuable vassal indeed.
The Mekhet remain secure, and are on the prowl. I am surprised to hear that no one has been observed attempting to cover their tracks.

Viscount Eric reports that several of the officers have been murdered. I am told Prince Rathstein was unable to piece together much information regarding the remaining police. Most unfortunate. They were smart to bring the officer with them last night. The group should be on their way back to the rendezvous to work on him.
My talents at this point seem inadequate. I will leave it to the expertise of Viscount Smith. Perhaps I will offer Sir Pennington and Alita a sparring match.

Marcus Pierce returns with some perturbing evidence- the police were indeed murdered. A hitman was hired, and succeeded in killing all but the one we have sequestered. The assassinations were carried out by a masked stranger bearing a stolen gun.
Prince Rathstein tells me he is much better acquainted with the city's social dynamics due to the efforts of Maria Theresa and the stacks of documents she has compiled for him. Prince Eric has sat in front of the officer for the past 4 hours, and there seems to be no end in sight. If I am to be accused of having far too much patience, then Viscount Eric is a saint. Prince Maladante has the look I used to stare at in the mirror while I held Praxis. He is suffering an internal struggle. I should endeavor to speak to him in private after this is all over.
Miss Narcissa and Mackenzie seem to be hitting it off. I knew they would, though I certainly wish it was under different circumstances. They feed off one another emotionally- its tangible and real.

April 3rd, 2009

Viscount Eric Smith has broken through the police officers altered memories. In tandem with Marcus Pearce's visions, it is revealed to us that Mr. Kowalski of the Carthian Movement was indeed the individual responsible for the implanted false memories. I was shocked, betrayed even. Mr. Kowalski and I have only had positive interactions prior to this. Dr. Rathstein informs us that there is is a connection with Murdoch and Father Cade. Lets start there...

April 4th, 2009

We were late to court today. Unfortunate-I was looking forward to the festivities.

I arrived to find a meeting had been arranged with Alder Murdoch, within the bounds of Elysium. Worthless. Alder Murdoch tap danced around the issue, proclaiming that the Invictus appeared weak for questioning him behind closed doors- the audacity of us I know. In the end, Alder Murdoch only implicated himself by fighting tooth and nail. One notable fact stood out- He claimed he had been involved in the cover up of the fire, in our interests and in the interest of the Masquerade. Yet all of the intelligence that the Mekhet brought back contradicts this. Alder Murdoch had done nothing.

The mistake was repeated with Mister Kowalski himself, though Father Cade accompanied him for his safety. We sat on Elysium grounds, asking questions only to waste our time for at least an hour's time while Father Cade fought our evidence. Mister Kowalski spoke his rhetoric- As a Carthian we wanted to oppress him and bully him. Of course after all my history of civil interactions with the Carthian Movement, I suddenly decided to take out all of my sadistic tendencies on a relatively unknown neonate. Typical. What was most surprising is how hard Father Cade fought us, and his bizarre sudden attachment to due process. It is very simple- we follow the leads we are given, investigate them and rule them out. Dr. Rathstein gave me a knowing look and left the premises under the vigil of Alita.

Cade finally gave in, and accompanied us to one of the secluded floors off Elysium grounds. Mr. Kowalski proudly proclaimed to the the praxis that tonight innocent blood would be spilled by the Invictus. Murdoch was quick to insert himself.
Immediately upon entering the interrogation room Cade cast a spell which pushed us away from him, and prevented us from looking at him. I could hear him whisper to Kowalski- "you will answer my questions or I will fucking murder you." Kowalski refused and so Father Cade drew a blade and plunged it into his side- then frenzied. Father Cade was compelled to flee, and Mister Kowalski was escorted off the premise with a stake in his chest. Why would Father Cade try to silence Kowalski? What does Kowalski have to say that is so damning?